
Identify Pricing

Amazon Seller Essentials

$00 per month

Additional services are in development and you will have the ability to add them to your subscription plan in the future- stay tuned!


Amazon owes you money and we get it back for you with the click of a button.


Automatically boost sales velocity & profit instantly using custom-built AI repricing tools.


See a full overview of the best-selling, reseller-friendly brands on Amazon.

Restock Dashboard

Receive notifications for when to restock your winning products.

Restock Pings

Amazon owes you money and we get it back for you with the click of a button.

Review Requester

Automatically send review requests to all customers that purchase a product from you with our custom tool.

Amazon Seller Essentials



Additional services are in development and you will have the ability to add them to your subscription plan in the future- stay tuned!


Amazon owes you money and we get it back for you with the click of a button.


Automatically boost sales velocity & profit instantly using custom-built AI repricing tools.


See a full overview of the best-selling, reseller-friendly brands on Amazon.

Restock Dashboard

Receive notifications for when to restock your winning products.

Restock Pings

Amazon owes you money and we get it back for you with the click of a button.

Review Requester

Automatically send review requests to all customers that purchase a product from you with our custom tool.

Amazon Seller Essentials

$00 per month

Additional services are in development and you will have the ability to add them to your subscription plan in the future- stay tuned!


Amazon owes you money and we get it back for you with the click of a button.


Automatically boost sales velocity & profit instantly using custom-built AI repricing tools.


See a full overview of the best-selling, reseller-friendly brands on Amazon.

Restock Dashboard

Receive notifications for when to restock your winning products.

Restock Pings

Amazon owes you money and we get it back for you with the click of a button.

Review Requester

Automatically send review requests to all customers that purchase a product from you with our custom tool.

Amazon Seller Essentials



Additional services are in development and you will have the ability to add them to your subscription plan in the future- stay tuned!


Amazon owes you money and we get it back for you with the click of a button.


Automatically boost sales velocity & profit instantly using custom-built AI repricing tools.


See a full overview of the best-selling, reseller-friendly brands on Amazon.

Restock Dashboard

Receive notifications for when to restock your winning products.

Restock Pings

Amazon owes you money and we get it back for you with the click of a button.

Review Requester

Automatically send review requests to all customers that purchase a product from you with our custom tool.

Subscription Plans

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • General
  • Features
  • Compliance & Regulations
  • Support Assistance
  • Pricing Plans
  • Miscellaneous


Identify is an all in one software subscription created to give Amazon sellers the tools they need to grow their business. We provide insights on products and other sellers that can help you make better buying decisions and get more sales.


Identify offers:

Product Analysis - including profit calculation, competitive analysis, and risk mitigation insights

Order management - connecting the user to their prep center of choice to keep track of all of your buying decisions and

Compliance and Regulations

Yes, Please view our Privacy Policy for any questions relating to data storage or usage

Support and Assistance

You can contact Identify support through our website’s contact form or by email under “Contact Us” at the bottom of the About Us page.

Pricing and Plans

Identify offers one price point that is affordable for all sellers. Visit our Pricing page for detailed information.


Yes, Identify offers customizable options for our chrome extension and web app to fit your specific preferences.


Identify is an all in one software subscription created to give Amazon sellers the tools they need to grow their business. We provide insights on products and other sellers that can help you make better buying decisions and get more sales.


Identify offers:

Product Analysis - including profit calculation, competitive analysis, and risk mitigation insights

Order management - connecting the user to their prep center of choice to keep track of all of your buying decisions and

Compliance and Regulations

Yes, Please view our Privacy Policy for any questions relating to data storage or usage

Support and Assistance

You can contact Identify support through our website’s contact form or by email under “Contact Us” at the bottom of the About Us page.

Pricing and Plans

Identify offers one price point that is affordable for all sellers. Visit our Pricing page for detailed information.


Yes, Identify offers customizable options for our chrome extension and web app to fit your specific preferences.